Friday, November 29, 2013

Tuscon's Backyard - Saguaro National Park November 2013

One of my favorite things from Arizona is the Saguaro cactus. These guys only grow in Arizona and live for about 200 years. These photos come from Saguaro National Park ( This is the overlook to Old Tuscon - which is on my list for my next trip.

In these photos, you can see that the Saguaro cactus make a forest throughout the pass.

In My Parent's Backyard - Tohono Chul Park November 2013 - Part 3

Final round of photos from the botanical gardens at Tohono Chul Park

In My Parent's Backyard - Tohono Chul Park November 2013 - Part 2

Second round of photos from the botanical gardens at Tohono Chul Park.

In My Parent's Backyard - Tohono Chul Park November 2013

We spent a great holiday weekend with my parents in Tuscon. Instead of fighting crowds (and macing someone at Best Buy), we toured the countryside. We stopped briefly at Tohono Chul Park ( where I was able to take a few photos of the botanical garden. Unfortunately, the botanical garden was closing early tonight, so my photo opportunities were limited. Here are the first page of the shots.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Why We Drive the North Shore of Maui - August 2013

Lynn and I found this gallery five years ago when we were first married and honeymooned in Maui. We purchased several photographs and made plans to return the next time we had a chance. This year, we found several more photos as well as two copper etchings that are amazing.

The drive is incredible and at times nerve racking. There are plenty of places where it is one lane and cliff face, so it takes a while to get to the gallery.

If you go to Maui, make the drive to the Kaukini Gallery

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ocean Distillery - What they make vodka out of sugar cane??? Maui August 2013

While we in Maui, we went to the Surfing Goat Dairy. On our way, we passed a distillery. So, on the way back down the mountain, we stopped to investigate. Imagine our surprise to find out the the Ocean Distillery makes vodka from sugar cane. Oh, and sea water from 2000 feet down. A few photos from the Distillery grounds. We arrived too late to take the tour. If you are interested, check out Ocean Vodka's site

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Reagan Library - Air Force One Oct 2013

At the Reagan Library there is the old 707 that served as Air Force One. The display is huge, but they do not allow pictures of the interior. They also prevent personal photos of the entrance because the staff photographer takes an official photo that you have to pay for (like Disneyland). I found this disappointing and decided not to participate.

At any rate, it was interesting exhibit and I was surprised at the lack of comfort. Sadly, I can't show you what I mean.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Maui Sunset - August 2013

We were having dinner with my parents when I was able to capture this sunset in Maui.

Our Backyard in Maui - Westin Resort Villas August 2013

We stayed at the Westin Villas in Maui. These pictures were all on the property and mostly from my balcony. I hope you enjoy them.

Hawaii August 2013 - Clay Pigeons

While we in Hawaii, several of us went skeet and trap shooting at Maui Sporting Clays. The range is in a volcanic crater and the view is spectacular. If you enjoy shooting and are in Maui -

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Not Travel - But the Reason I am Behind in Posting my Travel Pictures

For the last two months, in addition to a heavy travel schedule for both work and fun, Lynn and I have been laying a new floor in our home office. I am pleased to say the that we are now done.

My thanks to my Brother, Father, Father-in-Law and of course Lynn.

One room down three more to go...