This past weekend, we toured some of the lesser known spots in Los Angeles. One of the first things I wanted to see were the Towers.
Description from - The Watts Towers were built over the course of about 30 years, from the early 1920s to the early 1950s, by an immigrant Italian artisan named Sabato Rodia (also known as Simon or Sam). He single-handedly built a mosaic fantasia consisting of three spires of reinforced cement, the highest reaching to a height of 99-1/2 feet.
The Watts Towers are right in the middle of a residential area since Rodia built the towers on his property. (Basically, in his yard.) The story of the Towers is interesting and included the desire of the City of Los Angeles to tear down the towers until it was demonstrated that the Towers can sustain 10,000 lbs. of pressure.